What Happens Next and When
As treatment comes to an end, you and your family can start to transition out of treatment mode and into more familiar routines while the healthcare team continues to monitor your child’s recovery. The end of your child’s neuroblastoma treatment is a joyous milestone and something to be celebrated. After months of therapy, you, your child, your family, and loved ones should recognize and celebrate this achievement.
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The Importance of After Treatment Follow-up
Hear from a pediatric oncologist and nurse practitioner about why long-term follow-up is important for your child after they complete their treatment journey.
Learn about the transition from treatment
Find answers below to common questions that caregivers have at each stage of the transition.
Feelings of uncertainty
It is okay to have mixed feelings about the end of treatment. Many parents and caregivers do. Even though you are thankful that your child has finished treatment, you may feel uncertain about the future or worried about your child's cancer returning.
Fear of the cancer returning (relapse) is a common feeling among cancer survivors and caregivers of children with neuroblastoma. It may help to remember that:

Your child has completed treatment because the oncologist believes it is safe to end therapy

Your child will have frequent follow-up visits to make sure they are neuroblastoma-free

The chances of neuroblastoma returning decrease the longer your child is off treatment

As treatment ends, follow-up care begins
Follow-up care is the care your child receives as their treatment ends, and it will take place over an extended period of time (months to years).
Your child's oncology team may provide a recommended schedule of follow-up visits. During these visits, your child will undergo labs, scans, and a physical exam, allowing the oncologist to monitor for neuroblastoma and keep a watchful eye on your child’s recovery. The adjustment period from treatment into follow-up care takes some time. These follow-up care visits can help you:
- Know that your child's recovery is going according to plan
- Start to identify any short- and long-term effects of treatment
- Monitor for late effects (a health problem that appears months or years after cancer therapy has ended)
- Discuss any questions or concerns you have
Becoming their own advocate
As the years go by and your child grows older, it will be important for them to be aware of their unique medical needs. Teaching them over time about neuroblastoma and their specific journey will increase their awareness and readiness to take ownership of their health. Having an updated treatment summary and care plan that they can share is key in helping them make sure they get the care they need.